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Project Setup

Dependencies Viewer API is based on Three.js. So the both libraries must be included in your project. Additionally, Three.js must be loaded in global scope and exposed as a global variable called THREE.

If you use vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript or a front-end framework that doesn't require compilation, such as Bootstrap, Semantic UI, etc., both Three.js and Viewer API are exported as Universal Modules that can be included before your project's closing </body> tag. For example, the both libraries are available over a CDN:

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

You can also use a JavaScript package manager to install the both libraries. Since Three.js is specified as a dependency of Viewer API, below is an NPM command that will save them to your project folder at the same time.

npm install --save

If you use a front-end framework that requires a module loader or a compilation step, such as React, Angular, Vue, etc., please make sure Three.js is loaded first and accessible by a global variable called THREE before importing's ES6 module. The type definitions are included in the package, so you can also benefit from the IntelliSense in Visual Studio Code.

// ThreeImporter.js
import * as THREE from 'three/build/three';
// Assign THREE to global variable
window.THREE = THREE;
// ViewerComponent.js
import ThreeImporter from './ThreeImporter';
import * as bimU from '';


All available Viewer API functions are exposed as methods of the Viewer object. It would be easier to explore and inspect in browser console if a viewer variable is also exposed in global scope.

let viewer = new bimU.Viewer(viewerConfigs);
window.viewer = viewer;

Sample Projects

We've created a couple of Hello World boilerplates: