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Event Handling

Event Types

You can subscribe to a particular event when it is triggered by Viewer API or user behaviours. For example, a subscription to the ON_MODEL_PROGRESS event reports model loading progress. An animated progress bar can then be displayed on your user interface within an event handler function. All available events can be found under the bimU.EventsEnum object.

Event Subscription Viewer API takes advantage of the EventDispatcher supported by Three.js. addEventListener is a method of the Viewer class. Below is an example showing how to subscribe to the ON_VIEWER_INITIALIZED event by passing an event type and an event handler into the addEventListener function.

const onLoaded = (e) => console.log(e);
viewer.addEventListener(bimU.EventsEnum.ON_VIEWER_INITIALIZED, onLoaded);

For some events, an event handler won't work if subscription is done after it happens. For example, you must subscribe to the ON_VIEWER_INITIALIZED event and the ON_MODEL_PROGRESS event prior to calling the initialize function and the loadModel function respectively.

Some API functions, such as those fetching data from the server, must be called after a specific event is finished. For example, you can only send a BIM database query when a model is fully loaded. The ON_MODEL_LOADED event is particularly helpful in this case.

Event Handler and Event Argument

An event handler is simply a callback function that takes an event argument. All information related to an event can be found from the properties of the event argument object. The best way to inspect an event arugment is logging it out. Below is an example responding to a UI event when a model element is clicked by user. Clicking on a model element can either select or deselect it. If it is selected, a further action can be taken in the callback function.

viewer.addEventListener(bimU.EventsEnum.ON_SELECTION_CHANGED, (e) => {
    //    clickedElementIndex: 2,
    //    isClickedElementSelected: true,
    //    selectedElementIndices: [0, 1, 2],
    //    type: "onSelectionChanged"

        viewer.getElementDataByIndex(e.clickedElementIndex, onSuccess, onError);