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BIM Database is not only a BIM model viewer but also a full-fledged, cloud-hosted database where BIM data is readily available. Once a BIM model is uploaded to and processed succesfully, every element property can be individually retrieved, filtered, transformed, aggregated upon a SQL-compliant query. Make sure a model is fully loaded in the viewer component before requesting for data or sending a database query. The ON_MODEL_LOADED event can be of use.

Model Metadata

There are two model-level data functions: getFileProperties and getModelMetadata. The former returns's system properties of a model file, such as author, timestamp, source, etc. The latter returns model-level information contained in a BIM model, such as parameters in Revit Project Information.

const onSuccess = (data) => console.log(data);
const onError = (errorMessage) => console.error(errorMessage);
viewer.getFileProperties(onSuccess, onError);
viewer.getModelMetadata(onSuccess, onError);

Element Data

The getElementDataByIndex function returns all element properties for a specified element index. Every element property has a property group that categorises relevant properties. Below example shows how to get properties for a selected model element.

viewer.addEventListener(bimU.EventsEnum.ON_SELECTION_CHANGED, (e) => {
    //    clickedElementIndex: 2,
    //    isClickedElementSelected: true,
    //    selectedElementIndices: [0, 1, 2],
    //    type: "onSelectionChanged"

        viewer.getElementDataByIndex(e.clickedElementIndex, onSuccess, onError);

Database Query

Filtering and Projection

It is vitally important to narrow down search conditions in order to build an efficient query. A couple of wrapper classes come into play for filtering and projecting existing properties of model elements. A PropertyFilter object filters out model elements that match the specified condition. Various operators are available in the OperatorsEnum that can be assigned to a property filer. Additionally, as it is too cumbersome to retrieve all the properties in one go, a PropertySelector must be used to return only the specified property. In essence, a property filer limits the number of model elements returned, while a property selector limits the number of element properties returned. A comprehensive example is provided below.

let groupName1 = "Constraints";
let groupName2 = "Dimension";
let propertyName1 = "Top Constrant";
let propertyName2 = "Height";

// Filter out elements that have a property called "Top Constrant" in a "Constraints" group and its value starts with "Typical-Floor-".
let propertyFilter1 = new bimU.PropertyFilter(groupName1, propertyName1, "Typical-Floor-");
// Default operator is EQUAL_TO.
propertyFilter1.operator = bimU.OperatorsEnum.STARTS_WITH;
// Filter out elements that have a property called "Height" in a "Dimension" group and its value is greater than 12.34.
let propertyFilter2 = new bimU.PropertyFilter(groupName2, propertyName2, 12.34);
propertyFilter2.operator = bimU.OperatorsEnum.GREATER_THAN;

// Return a property called "Top Offset" in a "Constraints" group.
let propertySelector1 = new bimU.PropertySelector(groupName1, "Top Offset");
// Convert STRING to FLOAT. Default data type is STRING.
propertySelector1.dataType = bimU.DataTypesEnum.FLOAT;
// Return a property called "Mark" in a "Text" group.
let propertySelector2 = new bimU.PropertySelector("Text", "Mark");
// Rename the property name to "Wall Mark" when data is returned.
propertySelector2.alias = "Wall Mark";

A corresponding SQL query should look like this:

SELECT "Constraints:Top Offset", "Text:Mark" as "Wall Mark"
FROM (bimU Cloud BIM Database)
WHERE "Constraints:Top Constrant" LIKE "Typical-Floor-%" AND "Dimension:Height" > 12.34

Query Builder

When property filters and property selectors are created, they should then be put together in two separate arrays to build a query. Call the getElementDataByProperty function to execute a query like below.

// Properties to search. All conditions must satisfy (AND - intersection).
let propertyFilters = [propertyFilter1, propertyFilter2];
// Properties to return. Up to 5 properties can be returned.
let propertySelectors = [propertySelector1, propertySelector2];
// Return only the first 100 model elements that match the conditions.
let limit = 100;
viewer.getElementDataByProperty(propertyFilters, propertySelectors, limit, onSuccess, onError);

Model Element Identifiers

As mentioned here, uses element index as model element identifier internally. In addition to that, also stores other identifiers sourced from authoring formats. Every identifier has a corresponding property name stored in the BIM database as well:

  • eIdx:'s internal element index.
  • uId: Unique ID, such as IFC's IfcGuid, Revit's UniqueId, Navisworks' InstanceGuid, and Tekla's Identifier.GUID.
  • eId: Element ID, such as Revit's ElementId and Tekla's Identifier.ID.

To use identifiers in a database query, simply leave group name blank or null:

// Look for element index equals to "0"
let propertyFilter1 = new bimU.PropertyFilter(null, "eIdx", "0");
// Return unique ID
let propertySelector1 = new bimU.PropertySelector("", "uId");
// Return element ID as integer and rename it to "ElementId"
let selectExpression = `CAST("eId" AS INTEGER) as "ElementId"`;

Raw Query

It is possible to create a very complicated query. That said, writing an arbitrary query from scratch is only recommended for advanced users. If you have good knowledge in SQL, you can write a Filter expressesion along with a Select expression to run the getElementDataByQuery function like below.

// "Text:Mark" is "W-001-A" for example. Here we want to extract the three numbers in between.
let selectExpression = `CAST("Constraints:Top Offset" AS FLOAT), SUBSTRING("Text:Mark", 2, 3) as "Wall Mark"`;
let filterExpression = `"Constraints:Top Constrant" LIKE 'Typical-Floor-%' AND CAST("Dimension:Height" AS FLOAT) > 59.78`; 
viewer.getElementDataByQuery(filterExpression, selectExpression, limit, onSuccess, onError);

Some useful tips for writing a query:

  • Column name is composed of a group name and a property name with a colon : as a delimiter in between.
  • Column name should be wrapped in double quotes ". String value should be wrapped in single quotes '. To avoid using escape characters, JavaScript Template Literal ` is the best way to create an expression string.
  • Note that all input data is treated as a string. It must be cast into the relevant data types when necessary.


Aggregation query is also supported. To calculate a quantity or create a metric, call the aggregateElementProperty function to summarise values of a single element property. For example, to get the average "Top Offset" value of the model elements matching the filtering conditions:

// Aggregate functions: avg, sum, count, max, min, etc...
let func = bimU.AggregateFunctionsEnum.AVG;
viewer.aggregateElementProperty(propertyFilters, propertySelector1, func, onSuccess, onError);


  • Number of Properties: Maximum of 5 properties can be returned in one single query.
  • Query Timeout: 2 seconds. HTTP response status code 408 if it takes too long.
  • Query Data Size: 1 MB. HTTP response status code 413 if response payload is too large.
  • Supported Data Types: bool, int, integer, string, float, decimal, numeric, timestamp.
  • Supported Operators:
Logical Operators AND, NOT, OR
Comparison Operators <, >, <=, >=, =, <>, !=, BETWEEN, IN
Pattern Matching Operators LIKE, _, %
Unitary Operators IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
Math Operators +, -, *, /, %
  • Supported Functions:
Conversion Functions CAST
Conditional Functions CASE, COALESCE, NULLIF
Aggregate Functions AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM